How To: Create What'sUp Website Widget(s) for Calendars, Directories, and Destination Listings

What's a Website Widget?

What'sUp 24/7 Widgets are plug-ins for your website that allow you to display:

  • Event calendar(s): Promote your organization's events only and/or the events of organizations that you are co-promoting.

  • A local business directory: Promote organizations in your zip code and/or organizations you are co-promoting.

  • A listing of area destinations: Promote destinations in your zip code and/or destinations of organizations you are co-promoting.
Example: What'sUp 24/7 Event Widget on

See How It's Done:

Step-by-step Instructions:

  1. Login to What'sUp 24/7.

  2. If you help manage multiple organizations, you can click the User Profile icon to ensure you have the correct organization selected.

  3. From the main menu in the upper right, click "Organization," then "Create Widget."

  4. Click the "Select" button on whichever widget you'd like to create (Event, Directory or Destination).

  5. Use the checkboxes "Display Organization" and "Display Co-promoted" until your widget example displays exactly how you'd like them to.

    1. Display Organization:
      • For Events this means displaying your organization's events only
      • For Businesses and Destinations this means displaying organizations within your zip code.

    2. Display Co-Promoted: displays events and listings that you’ve chosen to co-promote.

  6. Once you have your widget set up how you want it, click the "Build Widget" button.

  7. Copy the code snippet that is generated (example below).

  8. Past the code snippet on your website! You can send this code to your website developer or reference this documentation on iframes / HTML content from some more popular website platforms:

  9. Wordpress - Add a Custom HTML Block
    Squarespace - Add an Embed Block
    Wix - Add an HTML iframe

Need help? You can reach us at

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