Living in a 360º World

By Phillip and What’s Up 24/7 

Do this exercise. Look at a map and ask yourself: how far do you typically drive from home to work? From how far away do you hire service providers? What about shopping for groceries or other necessities? Where do you go for leisure? Do you commute to school, take care of parents, or cart kids around to their activities? 

Now pick the farthest distance you regularly travel (in miles or minutes) and use that to draw a 360º circle from your house. Next, identify the valuable resources, opportunities, and activities that exist in your circle. Like me, you will be amazed at what’s available for living, learning, working, and playing.

If there is one thing we are learning in this pandemic, it is that we crave human interaction. It is critical to our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. For many, the pace of life has slowed and we are catching our breath.

Instead of jumping back into the mindless rat race, let’s begin making conscious choices about supporting local businesses, attending local/regional events, and visiting nearby destinations and points-of-interest. It’s a path to greater fulfillment and joy in our everyday lives.

This is what we call a 360º lifestyle and it is supported by a new community promotion platform, What’sUp 24/7.

A 360º lifestyle is a customized way of living focused on all the dimensions of your life — what you do, where you do it, who you serve, and how you interact with others. It is a lifestyle based on better choices that strengthen community connections and deepen our roots.

Back to the exercise.

We are creatures of habit and feel that traveling a long distance one direction is ‘natural,’ such as commuting 45 minutes to work. But when we think about traveling 45 minutes in a different direction for something recreational, it sounds far away.

We become defined by our towns and counties which were created long ago for a different way of living. Because of technology and transportation, boundaries no longer matter and they no longer define what’s available to us. Today, we live in circles — 15-minute, 30-minute, or 60-minute — or lines and corridors that we frequent. We can easily move in every direction, creating a 360º lifestyle.

What are the benefits of a 360º lifestyle?

First, you focus on your interests. Whether you are looking for live music, sports, art, nature, or other interests, you will be able to know what is going on, when it’s happening and where you can go in your circle to find it. 

Second, you find and support local businesses and create lasting relationships that energize local economies and strengthen communities. Without being force fed by Google or Amazon.

Third, you can attend an event, take a day trip, or plan an overnight excursion. You’ll be able to explore or rediscover local attractions, new destinations, and learn about points-of-interest along the way.

At, we are rethinking connectivity so you can Live Your Best Life! Rather than figuring out how to connect to technology, let’s use technology to help us reconnect to each other. This is the 360º lifestyle we crave.

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